Going live for the first time? Hold up! Before you hit that stream button, there are a couple things you should consider. Not to brag, but we’ve gone live a few times in our day — and have run into problems along the way. Here’s a quick list of the logistics we cover before we go live and recommend you do, too.
Check. The. Batteries. On. ALL. Your. Devices! The last thing you want is for your camera or your microphone to die 2 minutes into your stream.Passwords
Know the passwords for the devices, internet connection, and page you're streaming to. Things happen, and phones and websites can log you out at the most inconvenient times. Having passwords handy will make easy to log back in should the need arise.Internet
Know where the router is and who can help you with it if you run into trouble. I’m no networking genius, so no matter where I'm streaming from, I always make a point to know who is.Remove all unnecessary devices from the Wi-Fi. They take up precious bandwidth that you need for streaming live video.
Check your upload speed. If the speed is too slow, live you won’t go. (Sorry to get Seussian on you.)
Know whether you’re using natural light, room light, or set lights. Set up your camera and check to make sure your subjects have enough light on them. At the very least, set up your subject with the light source in front of them.If others are helping with the live show, mark the floor with tape to show what is in frame. No sneaky elbows in your shots!
Minimize background noise or use microphones to capture the audio you want. Our office is in a basement! We hear furniture scraping across the floor and people stomping around DAILY. Using mics means our viewers don’t.Content
Prepare reference notes and review with both the person(s) on camera and the person running the show. Being familiar with the content will make the show go smoothly.
Write a compelling video description to give potential viewers context. Reading Netflix descriptions is a passion of mine — make your descriptions like those.
Promote the stream before you go live. Spontaneity is cool, but promoting your video in advance means more eyeballs watching.
Assign someone to check the comments. It can be hard to multitask when live, whether you’re hosting or producing. A comment moderator can facilitate the conversation with your viewers and stop anything ~questionable~ in its tracks.
Decide on a call-to-action to use when you sign off. Why are you going live again? Surely there’s something you want your audience to do — tell them! (By the way, have you subscribed to the Switcher Studio blog yet?) See what I did there?
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About the Author
Whitney is Switcher Studio's head of special projects. Prior to joining Switcher, she worked in the agency world, helping clients develop their digital marketing strategies, providing training on social media best practices, crafting content, and staying on top of digital trends.
All posts by Whitney Mattingly